Here is some of the work I created during my tenure at Booz Allen Hamilton.
I understand that putting so much content on a single page will lose some eyes, but this is how it's cleared for release. If you don't have to time to look at everything- check out the "Immersive Studio Reel" and "Video Team Reel" directly below for a good overview.
VIDEO TEAM REEL | IMMERSIVE STUDIO REEL                                           
The clips below are the result of a month long effort by myself and 3D/tech artist Kurt Shoemaker. Using a library of existing 3D assets, we used Unity game engine to create a proof of concept video proving that our team was capable of rendering real time, cinematic quality 3D animations. I am responsible for look dev/lighting, camera setup, integration of mixamo animation w/ character rigs, and 3D animation.

I worked on these videos with the very talented Matt Burrow. He wrote and directed the series overall, and made the awesome globe intro. He also edited videos 1 and 4 of the 4 part series. I am responsible for the text and timeline animations, and the edits videos 2 and 3.
U2 PRE-FLIGHT VR                                                                3D ANIMATION
For this project I was responsible for in engine 3D animation and cinematic camera animation.
NSAT/NETWARCOM VIDEOS                                       DESIGN | ANIMATION
This one was a crazy short timeline. I was lead designer on this, then worked to complete the series with Kevin Nations. Some of the 3D models are purpose built, others are cannibalized from older projects (shout out to Will Parks and his 3D library). I animated the Inverse square law video, Kevin did the EM spectrum one.
Very glad to be a part of this project. This was the first large series of videos I worked on as the lead designer and lead animator. The animation team consisted of myself, Victor Rangel, Kevin Nations, Will Parks, and Cody Smith. A lot to work on, and the style strays a little from my original vision, a lot of consistency to keep track of, but I think they turned out sweet. Couldn't have asked for a better team. Parks and Cody were first timers but they still helped this one be a slam dunk.
IWI: COMMANDER STORIES                                             DESIGN | EDITING
A few months after the success of our first video series, the IWI team came back and asked us to produce another set of videos- low cost and short turnaround. Footage was shot by interviewees on their smartphones and sent our way. In no time we cut together these little interview pieces.
HICKAM 360 VIDEO                               DESIGN | DIRECTION | ANIMATION

15000px wide image pieced together from the Oberg Film, shot from the vantage point of the "Crows nest" of Hickam Field around noon on the day of the attack. Photo-stitched frames from the film, recolored, and matte painted in the gaps. Used as reference for the 360 video.

After the concept art stage, I also got to direct and animate the video. This is probably the first video where I can say I had a lead role. The environment was built for 3D by our wonderful 3D team (Summer, Cam, Kurt). Lighting and simulation (explosions) by the tech art master Tom Sillence. After this project Tom left me to go work on the next Call of Duty at Sledgehammer.
(2020 - Silver Telly Winner - Non-Broadcast Craft-Visual Effects)
Here's a screen capture of the 360 video on PC
Here's the original 4k stereoscopic version, originally intended for delivery on Oculus Quest.
SPLASH SCREEN ILLUSTRATIONS                                      ILLUSTRATION

Splash screen illustrations for ebook projects. These were some fun, relaxing paintings after spending painful months working on the 2D/UI portions of the books.
ENHANCED VISION                                        DESIGN | VIDEO | ANIMATION
Concept art for an AR conference video, along with the final video. The video was a collaboration with the masterful Javi Yanez.
IADS                                           2D ART | UI | ILLUSTRATION | ANIMATION
Animations for an ebook. Responsible for asset creation and in-engine animations.
Shout out to Nathan Smith for doing the original look and feel of the app and letting me take over.
I'm not responsible for making this next sizzle reel, this one is the work of the mograph ninja, Javi Yanez. The sizzle reel just shows off my work on the ebook.
DIME                                                                              2D | UI | ANIMATION
2D/UI work for a a game similar to RISK. This is the third iteration of the app after 2 full redesigns of the project while I worked on it. Thanks to the UI/UX masters Madie and Helms for all the feedback. Turned out great, and got some recognition for it.
3D RIGS                                                 RIGGING | TECH-ART | ANIMATION
Male Character Rig & Facial Rig
I am responsible for rigging, animation, some corrective modeling, and additional textures.
3D modeling and texturing done by the amazing John Carter.

Female Character Rig & Facial Rig

Same work and shout outs on this one. This one was never used at the same level as the male rig, so it's a little rougher around the edges.
Playblasts of 3D character animation for clients. The clips above were used in a VR tech demo, and the clips below were medical clients - part of a training app on PC and iPad.
PRECIPITATION FUNDAMENTALS                                2D | UI | ANIMATION
2D/UI work for an ebook about weather - and a playblast of my favorite in engine animation
EBOOK PROJECT                                                                  ILLUSTRATION
In 2018 I was able to work as assistant to the very talented illustrator, Adam Linstad. We produced comics for clients- I was responsible for inking, coloring, and frequent revisions (every time they wanted a hairstyle changed). Here are a few highlights.
AFIPPS VIDEOS                                                                           ANIMATION
A selection of video work for clients.
This video is a compilation of six of the mograph videos we did for this client. I think there ended up being eight or nine in total, but these are a good representation of the final deliverables. It was a ton of fun working on these with the team - Adam, Javi, and Kevin.
FTU VIDEO                                          ANIMATION | EDITING | MARKETING
Editing footage and animation (all of the tech overlay stuff) for a marketing video.
NoDICE VIDEO                                    ANIMATION | EDITING | MARKETING
Video to market one of our more advanced capabilities. A lot of integrated technologies, kinda goes over my head, but I think there showcasing it in a good way to drum up interest.
ACT III VIDEO                                                                             ANIMATION
Motion graphics and character animation for clients. First video is the project in it's entirety, the second video is an excerpt of playful character animation that I was very proud of.
This next video was done over the course of 3 days. It's a vaporware video we made to sell the idea to the client. I'm responsible for the "in app" animations from 00:24 to 01:16. Most of it is built in AE, the rotating ordinances were done in unity, and the AF seal section was done in C4D. 
                                                      DESIGN | VIDEO | EDITING | ANIMATION
AKA VOOM for short. Filmed, edited, and set up post-production pipeline for a series of interviews to be used in an augmented reality app we showed at trade shows. Interviews led by director Kevin Nations, Kevin was also a huge help with the green screen studio setup. It's hard to get good footage of the final product, so I'll show some of the concept art - it was really cool. Special thanks to our producer Cam for letting me photoshop him into star wars scenes
VA WOMENS CENTER 360 VIDEO                           ANIMATION | TECH ART
"Waiting Room Simulator '20 : GOTY Edition"
All jokes aside, we did win a Bronze Telly Award for "Immersive & Mixed Reality Craft-Use of 360" in 2021.
This video was a 360 video made using unity- at the client's request we also made a "flat" fixed aspect ratio version. I was responsible for animation and post-production. Special thanks to tech art god Tom Sillence. Together we set up a good pipeline for 360 videos out of unity. Tom did the environment and character work, texture and lighting overhaul, and all of work to convert it for HDRP render. I was responsible for 2D and 3D animation.
Ikea style illustration for a whitepaper.
My very first series of illustrations at this job.
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